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WAMSLER European Company SE of home appliances.
3104 Salgótarján, Hősök útja 49.
Company registration number: 12-20-000001
Tax number: 14020025-2-12
Phone number: 36-32-411-833
E-mail: wamsler(at)
Our website contains external websites for third-party links; we have no control over that content. We can’t take responsibility for these foreign contents. The respective provider or operator is always responsible for their content from the imported links on our pages. The imported links for the pages were examined at the time of creating the links to make sure that they do not include any possible violations.At the time of the link establishment, there was no recognizable illegal content. However one cannot expect permanent control of the links’ content on the imported pages unless concrete indications of suggested infringement. When the violations become known, we will remove these links immediately.
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Wamsler SE © 2016
3104 Salgótarján, Hősök útja 49.
+36 (32) 411 833